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Friday, November 21, 2008

Itemization woes

Oh My Gosh - The itemization process is so meticulous. I never knew I had so much stuff and I'm sure I'm forgetting a good 25%. The insurance adjuster keeps telling me to stop giving him low ball numbers for replacement, but seriously, I'm a bargain shopper and don't know how to pay full price, I actually refuse to pay full price. As we've been replacing absolute essentials I think I'm going to have a heart attack at the prices. Ann Taylor Loft was awesome, they have 30% right now for "Friends & Family" and that was on top of clearance woo - hoo. I was able to get 2 pairs of jeans and 4 shirts. One pair of the jeans and two of the shirt were the exact replicas of the items I bought the day of the fire and left hanging neatly in my closet.

I'm still meeting with insurance guy today, as well as trying to work a little. I have orders that need to be sent in today!

I asked the doctor for a prescription for Ambien and I took one last night. I FINALLY got a good 7+ hours of sleep. I feel so much better this morning.

1 comment:

Robert said...

When Lindsey had the fire in her house, she spent weeks trying to do the inventory of each and every item. Make sure you give the insurance company the full replacement value because you will forget alot of what you used to have and secondly, the insurance company will reduce the amount of the claim for any reason they can.